Featuring illustrations, collages and lyrics by Chihiro along with objets and toys that decorate her room will be held at Sundaland Cafe in Shibuya from October 1 through 15. Chihiro will be visiting this cafe on October 1 and 15.
"包丁の上でUTATANETS" (UTATANETS on the kitchen knife) will start on September 21, 9 p.m. at http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv63662108.
Also appearing: Mikito Tsurugi, a rock band manager.
http://www.red-hot.ne.jp/rhtv/, from around 2:40.
For Life Music's new omnibus compilation album titled Sweet 30 Covers ~歌姫達による洋楽カバーベストセレクション~ featuring Chihiro's "I Need To Be In Love" will be released on October 26.
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