
Nine Dirts and Snow White Flickers at Orchard Hall, 2008-04-26 [08-04-27]

Language of Four Syllables [07-05-04]

traces [04-05-05]

Translation Lost [04-05-01]

Album Review

Playing on the Piano [04-03-26]

Shinjiru koto [04-03-12] [Revised: 04-03-15]

The Anatomy of "Castle · imitation" [04-03-06]

"Sign" Revisited [04-02-29]

Anniversary Specials

  1. Enter the Ogre [04-02-09]
  2. Chihiro First Heard: The Poisons in Her Words [04-02-10]
  3. Intermission: A Virtual Interview with Folia [04-02-11]
  4. Pain Reliever [04-02-12]
  5. In Gratitude [04-02-13]

Unplugged Show '03 at Suntory Hall, 2003-08-19 [03-08-22]

Bösendorfer Model 290 Imperial Concert Grand [03-07-19]

About Suntory Hall and a little bit about Folia [03-06-25]

Special Live at SHIBUYA-AX, 2003-03-10

  1. Announcement
  2. Report
  3. Correction

Music Station, 2003-02-21

Copyright © 2003 Folia. All rights reserved.