"The Way To Your Heartbeat" and "I’m with your shadow" are being sold through Apple's iTunes Store.
The upcoming issue of the BARFOUT! magazine due on September 19 will feature a eight-page interview of Chihiro by Jiro Yamazaki, the chief editor of this magazine.
Those who will buy the new album at a Gyokkodo store will be given an application form for Chihiro's poster with her autograph on it as well as a sticker.
On September 23 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Those who will buy the limited edition of the new album at the store will be given an event ticket on a first-come-first-served basis. Anybody having this ticket will be entitled to a high five event. No ticket will be required to enjoy the talk show.
This character will be featured on the back cover of TRICKY SISTERS MAGIC BURGER.
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